Terms & Conditions

Users who are purchasing courses from Joggota are referred to as Learner or “Buyer” Courses displayed and sold through the Joggota website are solely the property of Joggota.net. You will be under contract with Joggota.net after purchasing a course from the website. No warranties or guarantees will be offered by Joggota.net as you can choose any course under any instructors you like after reviewing the first few unlocked lessons and overview of the instructor. After confirmation of your orders, there will be a learner’s agreement between you and Joggotabd.com. ​​​ After purchase, you can't request a refund unethically - for the policy please check our “Refund Policy” If you do anything wrong like sharing the course with others, downloading or, sharing with any third party, or misbehaving with instructors, Joggota management - we will block them from the website and from the private groups as well! Please contact our website support or Official Facebook page if you don't get your courses in the purchased list after enrolling in the course. 
